March 17, 2021

Voluntary Sector Development Team

November 24, 2020

Gigabit capable broadband

Nottinghamshire County Council have announced £750,000 of funding is available to help deploy gigabit capable broadband to the county’s rural homes and businesses. To see if your premises is eligible visit here
September 24, 2020

Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

September 14, 2020

Young People’s survey for the children and young people’s mental health
July 22, 2020

Lowdham to receive £5 million additional funding for flood relief scheme

September 16, 2018

Public Land and Building Assets

Public Land and Building Assets The playing fields Off Old Tannery Drive and Southwell Road registered under Land Certificate NT413914. The land at the junction of Old Tannery Drive and Southwell Road registered under Land Certificate NT496022. Lowdham Playing Fields including the children’s playground and the area occupied by the Village Hall and Lowdham Bowls Club. The area is subject to […]
September 12, 2018


August 14, 2018

Smaller Authorities Transparency code

March 6, 2015


February 21, 2020

HOUSE OF COMMONS – Floodinq update

January 16, 2020

Lowdham Cemetery

May 10, 2019


Tennis Courts facilities Souhwell Rd
August 14, 2018


Audit Report 2017/18
August 14, 2018

Notice Board

Lowdham has entered The Notts Best Kept Village Competition  
August 14, 2018

Notts ALC Newsletter
August 14, 2018

National Association of Parish Councils
August 14, 2018

Planning Tracker

August 14, 2018

Useful & Interesting Links

Some useful links for your use See below Link Link Link Link Link Link  
August 14, 2018


August 14, 2018

Flood Alerts

August 6, 2018

Maintenance Page